
We help people to make the most of the earth, water, sun and wind resources that God has given us. We “Make It Easy to Be Green” by providing one place where you can find selected, high-quality information, services and products. We want to be your “go to” resource for information, services and products related to being “green” in your church, school, neighborhood, office park, business and home.

We save you time and effort, and help you to get faster answers, actions and results. We provide an easy way for you to be a better steward. We help you to focus on your opportunities, build your own action plan, take action and make a real difference now and in the long term.

We can assist you in the following ways:

We can help you with all aspects of the Atlanta Action Plan, as described on the What You Can Do page:

  • Activities and Education (and Communication and Organization)
  • Energy Conservation and Efficiency
  • Purchasing and Recycling Practices
  • Transportation
  • Water Conservation
  • Buying and Sharing of Food
  • Creating Sustainable Landscapes
  • Assisting Climate-Vulnerable Populations
  • Involving Young People
  • Political Action
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